my little sweeities

Posted on 9:29 AM by girl alone

yesterday i was taking to my sis atyaf when she told me the terrible news.she was sniffing and sobbing and telling me in this really cute,pity voice (although she is 21) my mom kicked them out of the house.there not coming back for mom hate them,she thinks there dirty.i was really sad too i started cring and swearing and saying how is it stupid to be living in a stupid country and all that talk -i don't know why was the country dragged into this- afcourse u had a clue that i am speaking about my really cute kittens Conan and snow.they left the house my mom did not like them we all cried when we heard the awful and bad news. i started looking at there baby pic.and wanting to know what had on earth happened to them. life is stupid sometimes when you have to let some thing that cute like Conan and snow to let go. i can imagine my younger brother bagging my mom to let them and imaging the look at my sisters eyes when they were preparing to go and give them to the bet store pity huh?
but i will try to appeal to my dad better nature and convinse him to bring my sweethearts cats back to HOME SWEET HOME.