my little sweeities

Posted on 9:29 AM by girl alone

yesterday i was taking to my sis atyaf when she told me the terrible news.she was sniffing and sobbing and telling me in this really cute,pity voice (although she is 21) my mom kicked them out of the house.there not coming back for mom hate them,she thinks there dirty.i was really sad too i started cring and swearing and saying how is it stupid to be living in a stupid country and all that talk -i don't know why was the country dragged into this- afcourse u had a clue that i am speaking about my really cute kittens Conan and snow.they left the house my mom did not like them we all cried when we heard the awful and bad news. i started looking at there baby pic.and wanting to know what had on earth happened to them. life is stupid sometimes when you have to let some thing that cute like Conan and snow to let go. i can imagine my younger brother bagging my mom to let them and imaging the look at my sisters eyes when they were preparing to go and give them to the bet store pity huh?
but i will try to appeal to my dad better nature and convinse him to bring my sweethearts cats back to HOME SWEET HOME.

do u belive in god??????

Posted on 9:16 AM by girl alone

that's a weird qustion ppl ask me now adays,and i dont know why the hell they ask such stupid qustions and what answer do they excpect you to answer them with? why did we lost faith in allah and then we excpect him to help us.some people when they face such of small promblems they start blaming god for doing that to them.they think god hate them or want to destroy them without ANY valid resons.they want to ditch god and keep god away from their lives but when they are in need to god they ask why isnt he helping them.and giving them a way out of their troubles.and they want god to listn to them the minit they ask him for help thought they did not _even once_ in their lives obyed god or listend to him. i always ask my self why we humen ended up like that.look only for what things bad had happened to us and forget all the good thing that happend to us even if it was so much.if we want to be blessed by god we shall bless him.thus we shall not take these words as only talkls we should transformate it in action.speaking and writing will not do any good for any one ecxept if it was transformated to action.


Posted on 6:15 AM by girl alone

i have been always thinking and asking my self this question
why people don't mind their own business why they want to stick their nose in where it dosent belong. i acct think its funny when someone start backbiting this someone behind his back then he acct think that he is helping this someone. or doing a favor for him and i don't know how is that suppose to be in which way dose this person thinks that he is helping. in fact he is destroying every thing.he destroys this someone career,life,reputation,even feeling and this some one thinks he is acct doing the right thing.SO, i would let these kind of ppl know that by teeling rubbish and spreading rumors about this someone they are not helping they are only destroying relations,feelings,and they are just gaining hatred from that particular ppl around the world MIND UR OWN BUSINESS and don't interfere with other peoples problems.they will sure hate u after that and will lose respect for u.that if u had respect for ur self.